I feel so pathetic, a Jpop fan yet I can't understand much Japanese ): Eugena can understand videos without subs, while I can't ):
Haha, Jpop fan that doesn't like morning musume, berryz koubo and most of the other cutey girl groups out there. I'm very tempted to delete all my Hirano Aya songs because I'm sick of them coming up when I listen my ipod on shuffle. :/ But I leave them on there for more variety :) You're lucky this time, Suzumiya Haruhi! *glare* Fujioka Haruhi is the best Haruhi ever!
I need to watch more dramas, listen to more songs, research more online!!
I gave up on anime. @_@ I prefer to see real people now.
Uedaaaaaa! <33 That rose mic thingy looks nothing like a rose o_o
So pretty *o*
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