So today went for West Winds' concert.
Before that, met up with Eugena and Rena, went to Taka's Kino and bought magazines.
I bought Popolo and Myojo!
Both of them keep recommending me to watch dramas x_x they named a lot but I remembered none of them...
Yeah, then ate Yoshinoya. The food there is walao -.- terrible.
Took cab to Esplanade, sat there and stare at our mags [OMG NINO AND UEDA <3 LOVEEEE] Yeah. Then queued then went in. Sat next to Eugena, while Kaixin was very noisy cos' she wanted to sit with me x__X
Concert was okay. Quite dull for me since I don't know most of the songs. Was tempted to sleep but the only reason I didn't is because of my contacts. The clarinets are very very loud! One of the percussionists look like Yamamoto Yusuke! <3 CUTEEEE!
Eugena agrees with me.
After concert, went to HMV with Eugena, Rena and Ariel. Walao they don't have any HSJ cds! Bought Kyu Jo Show, Kanjani's new single [walao release on 4.11 leh, HMV is fast!] RE, no LE ): And Rescue. Wanted to buy color but it was freaking 77 dollars can! Tempted to buy Truth/kaze no mukou e and Ai Kakumei but didn't. Then went to eat Sakae. Ariel said that Ris Low walked pass us, but I didn't notice.
Went home by MRT and walked back. Tomorrow there's band as well. x_x My arm still hurts.
I really don't get how 26 year olds still can be so cute! Perfect examples: Ninomiya and Ueda <33
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